Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dome light dimmer for Cars

Hi there, back to business, previously i have post about some fun electronics on intercom and theft preventer alarm. Before i start today's post, I would like to ask all cars freaks here, what would you like your cars take part in the coolest light decorations? That would probably be a big dream for street homies with V8 under their hood or likely to say some with turbos and superchargers.

Alright that is totally out of the topic! So about doing light decoration on a car instead of a house, this is a simple circuit where you can make your car dome light fade out when you close your car door instead of just goes OFF. This unique circuit makes your dome light look cool.

Diagram 1

When a car door is open, the push to off switch of the door is ON and hence it charges the 22 uF capacitor fully
Capacitor in white area (edited with Adobe PhotoShop CS3)
The opamp is acting as a voltage follower and its output is same as the voltage across the capacitor, which is 12V when the capacitor is fully charge. Due to high voltage at the output of the IC, the transistor saturates, turning ON the bulb to full brightness.
Now when the door is closed, the door switch is push and so the switch goes OFF. When the switch is OFF, the capacitor starts discharging slowly through VR1 and the 10k resistor and the voltage across it decrease slowly.
White highlighted area shows the process (edited with PhotoShop CS3)
Thus at the output of IC 741 also the voltage decreases gradually, hence decreasing the base to the transistor. This produces a slowly decreasing current through the bulb and the bulb fades out and finally when the capacitor is fully discharged, the bulb goes OFF.
After building the circuit, with the push-to-off switch in ON position (not pushed in) i.e. the car door open, adjust the preset VR2 to the required initial brightness of the bulb. Then push the switch in to turn it OFF (or just close the car door) and adjust VR1 for the time to bring the bulb from full brightness to OFF.
I would suggest you set VR1 and VR2 to their maximum values. instead of using the original stock bulb in the car, u can easily replace it with white LED but adjust the maximum brightness in order not to burn the LED as it only consume 1.5V each LED.
Note: 2N3055 power transistor needs proper heat sink
But in my ride I use LED which is slightly brighter than the stock bulb. You even can put these LED's underneath the chair of your car and made it act like a neon.
That is all for today from me. hope you can join the local auto-show in your area. Signing off for today's post just from Mohamad Fairulnizam.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Theft Preventer Alarm

Hi there, this is my second post for today. So before i start posting, I like to ask you, how much stuff have you loss these days? As I am sick of loosing my instant noodle from my locker, i try to fine out a solution from the internet and here it is, I found out how to make a Theft Preventer Alarm. The circuit is very simple like as shown below. This is a very simple circuit using the NE 555 timer IC as an alarm system to prevent the theft of your luggage, burglars breaking into your house, or people start and opening your room door without knocking ( so annoying sometimes). Back to business, this alarm goes ON when a thin wire, usually as thin as a hair is broken. The circuit is straightforward. It uses a 555 IC wired as an astable multivibrator to produce a tone of about 1kHz which gives out a shrill noise to scare away the burglar or eventually make him a little bit more panic.

Edited with Adobe PhotoShop CS3

As shown in the part highlighted diagram above, the wire use to set off the alarm can be made of a thin copper wire like SWG 36 or higher or another option is, you can also even use a single strands of copper from a power cable.

Again like previously, this type of circuit operates on a wide range of voltage from 5v to 15v. So using a 9-volt battery would fit just nice.

That is all from my second post, hope you enjoy it and no more people steeling you stuff of just bum into your room without knocking which might be so annoying for college and universities student nowadays. Here again i am Mohamad Fairulnizam and signing off.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cheap Intercom System Interface

Hi there, today i like to tell you a little thing about what i have extract from the internet lately. I always wanted to make an intercom system to make people easier to tell who they are before entering my home, so here in is!, I just found out a new solution on making the cheapest ever intercom. Hope that making this intercom will not burden you.

This circuit comprises a 3-stage resistor-capacitor coupled amplifier. when push button S2 is pressed, the amplifier circuit formed around transistors T1 and T2 gets converted into asymmetrical astable multivibrator generating ring signals. These rings signal are amplified by transistor T3 to drive the speaker of earpiece.

This circuit only consume 10 to 15 mA only, so I have no worry about it because I use a 9-volt battery for temporary and after a month later, I replaced those batteries with a 3-pin multi-voltage adapter.

Edited with Adobe PhotoShop CS3
To make a two way intercom, u need two identical unit . Thus of course PC B1 speaker will jump to PC B2 unit and PC B2 speaker will go the other way. Just like I have highlighted in the picture.

That is a little bit from me! Just hope you like it. Coming up soon might be more interesting to you. signing off from Mohamad Fairulnizam

About Me

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Balik Pulau, Penang, Malaysia
Hello !! My name in Mohamad Fairulnizam (not full), from Penang Malaysia. Nothing much about me!! just likes to play around the net !
